July 2015

CSA Week 8

This week: 4 Nectarines 1 head Green Lettuce 2 pounds Chieftan Potatoes 1 bunch Scallions 2 Salad Cucumbers 1 pound Green or Dragon’s Tongue Beans

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CSA week 7

Interesting box for you this week. We’ve found ourselves flush in not-quite-perfect-but-still-darn-good tomatoes, so we’re loading you up this week with a half-case each! Such is the nature of CSA farming,

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CSA week 6

Well, it looks like we’re back to plain-old regular summer after a bout of the hard stuff, and we’re deep in to those summer crops too. Blueberries are on, tomatoes are going strong. The beets are big and beautiful, snap peas are here for one last week and we even have a few new potatoes for you

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CSA week 5

It already feels like one of those summers we’ll be telling our grandchildren about. Though if global warming doesn’t pull any punches in the years ahead, we may be telling them how balmy and mild the summer of ’15 was, back when the Skagit ran all the way to the sea, like so many old rivers of yore.
Without the benefit of fifty years . . .

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CSA Week 4

Well here we are, barreling down on the 4th of July and already well into(as Farmer Dave has taken to saying) one of the nicest Augusts I’ve ever seen. So we, and most everyone else in the valley, are irrigating just as fast as we can . . .

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